Friday, August 24, 2012

Let the Drama Start...

hey all my tan bitches! 

let's get this shit started. I have been saving everything since the first day I stepped foot on this internet. being a entertainer & a public figure makes you a huge target for people to judge you because they're really a nobody. there very jealous of the attention I do get online so they want to bring me down so they can get attention back.

just put on blast is not all about drama. there will be inspirational blog's as well, from coming out of the closet, from not letting the haters or people bring you down. If you have questions that need to be answered I will. I'm here for anyone. 

this site will have it all! :)

 I have thought & thought again about making a blog like this because I have been through so much in my life. tons & tons of you probably don't understand the shit I go through from putting myself on this internet. by doing so you're judged like a white person that's not tan. 

got some news? got some juicy drama? or wanna be featured on this site & spread out a message then send it here to my personal email: 

I'm looking forward to this crazy tan ride. 
"Let the haters hate, but let's be real here. you only hate what you can't imitate bitch"


Anonymous said...

so excited bryan breze. this site is going to be amazing!!! (:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bryan i'm so proud of you. keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Quit complementing him and start blasting people!! like how this is just a template of a page lol!!

Bryan Breze said...

anon- this site is not all about putting people on blast if you did not read the first post maybe you should go check it out. also, why do they have to be putting people on blast? could be doing the same-thing.. :)

also thanks guys for the love & support! wish I new who you guys were... get off anon! hahah ;)

Anonymous said...

peep the photoshop skillz